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We opened Local Receiving Account & Request Money by xt transfer

homepage    Bank Account    We opened Local Receiving Account & Request Money by xt transfer

The buyers will benefit from the services:

Virtually no regional banks overseas accept cross-border remittances. After receiving a payment using the local receiving account, for the buyer, it is considered a domestic payment, and the buyer does not have to process the cross-border remittance transaction and go through a pile of paperwork at the bank counter or exchange currencies, saving them a substantial amount of costs and time.


Simplify the trade negotiation process, and boost the profitability of foreign trade businesses

Using local currency payment allows for direct quotation in the local currency, simplifying the lengthy negotiation process caused by different exchange rate expectations between buyers and sellers. Furthermore, it prevents buyers from postponing payment, underpaying their orders, or even rejecting the goods due to steep fluctuations in exchange rates.


Remitting to a local bank gives buyers total peace of mind

By allowing them to pay via a local bank that they are familiar with, you can build a stronger sense of trust among your buyers.


Fast payment processing, no intermediary fees

Directly connected to the local clearing network; payments typically reach your account in 1 business day, even immediately after remittance in some cases! Local bank clearing network does not involve any intermediary banks, hence there are zero intermediary bank fees!


Created on:2023年11月22日 20:14